What You Missed @ The Tranquil Mind Seminar

Last night I had a wonderful time chatting with some great people about stress, anxiety and insomnia management. I know you all really wanted to come so I thought I'd share all the best bit for those of you who live too far away, or couldn't make a 7:30pm talk on a Tuesday!

One topic we spent a bunch of time on was nutrients you might be missing. Did you know that nutritional studies show half of American women were getting less than 75% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Magnesium, which is found in vegetables and whole grains, can relieve symptoms of anxiety and insomnia when they are caused by a magnesium deficiency. 

Another topic that came up frequently was different types of mindfulness practices. Many people shared their experiences from everything from walking in natures, to exercise, to meditation. We discussed how the practice of being present can ease anxiety and bring more enjoyment to life by allowing your consciousness to surrender to what's happening in the moment. 

Thank you to everyone who came out and shared last night!

Still feeling like you missed out? Book your calendars for Tuesday November 17th, 7:30pm @ Norfolk Chiropractic Wellness Centre in Guelph because I'm running this talk one more time this year! See you there!

Dr. Katie